
Showing posts from December, 2009

This is a much better picture .

It includes a quilt, a burp cloth, a bib and a pillow baby. and a quilted book for Cyrus:-)

Baby Celina's gift

They should have received it by now so I guess I'll share:-) I really liked the pink and green together and I hope they like just as much.


I finished the new baby's gift last week, but I've been on grandma duty and haven't had time to mail it. So once they receive it, I'll post the is so cute; If i do say so myself:-)

I thought these were trivets...

...but I was wrong. Trivets are metal, so these must just be "hot pads". I have to come up w/ a better name for them. Any suggestions? The best name gets of 2 free ones. (hot pads).

Large Tote w/Bamboo Handle


Oldies but goodies

These are just samples of other things I do. The baby layettes are one of my favories. My cousin and his wife just added a beautiful baby girl to our growing family, so soon I'll have another layette to show you.

Baby Garran's Gift Layette


China Doll


"meer" cat


I had a dream one night...

...and the  bags made of strips of fabric were born. The first attempt is shameful:-) It just looked good and crazy.  But I thought  these were cute. Let me know what you think.