
Showing posts from March, 2018

Twins and baby stuff :-D

These are from the Walmart party section, the little babies are perfect toy size and I don't have to paint them, YEAH!!!

Fun with Spray Paint-My Fancy Life/Gloria China Hutch

I just love these play sets. The YOUTUBER at DOLLWORLD SHOWS does some awesome repaints I don't know them personally, but they give the best advice-Paint before you assemble:-D Mines came out pretty good for my first try, but I was so excited I totally forgot and rushed to put it together. Since it's hard plastic, it breaks very easily if you try to  unsnap the i didn't want to chance it. But doing new doll crafts is always fun...thx again*,*

Nothing much to say...except

 Grown ups like to party :-D

Barbie size baby stuff and new babies :-D

These are from the DOLLAR store-perfect size and these are from The tan baby is a duplicate of one i got from WALMART, my bad- i thought there were two brown skinned babies nope*,*