Another Jasmine. And my favorite Madison, someone cut her hair, but I wanted to go short on her one day anyway:-) Now this dude was just weird. A ball joint at the waist,held together with a black rubber band no less, hands ready for action and that "look" on his face. How could I leave him there. And man was he dirty...his clothes etc. His only marking is MATTEL 1977 on his head and made in Taiwan on his body. According to my Google search results @ he is indeed Sport and Shave ken who came w/ a shaver and a tennis racket. Well after reading "It's Muff's" recent post on markers and pens I think this old guy is getting a much needed make over and SOON :-) This little lady was fully dressed for a little over a dollar. I thought she was a Fashionista , but her arms are not articulated, so now I'm not sure. But her I got her for her clothes and these darling shoes. Doll shoes ain't cheap *o* And finally...t...