
Showing posts from June, 2014

Ready for the hunt

Once i discovered that my cute little girl is actually from the "WE 3 Friends" line from, 2004,I took a closer look at her and decided to keep her as a "Goldilocks" character. Then my migraine riddled brain had a strange thought; what if she was hunting those poor bears:-/ i know yikes...a little too dark for my taste-usually-but it still gave me a giggle. so then, I thought what if she wanted to capture them alive, at that point I realized my thoughts had unraveled and derailed.  So no bears for her. But thx to "my froggy stuff" for the bow and arrow tute. from 2012. "Golden Lox" was born. *,*

Madison full face repaints

Almost all of my "Madi's" have new lips...that lip liner is just too much. But these are the only full faces.

Madi #13 has a new look :-)

cut and spiked her hair with white glue,painted her face...need to improve the lips; but cute *,*