
Showing posts from June, 2015

Found this a while ago

This is a 2 sided kitchen I found for .99 a few months ago. Even though it is a Mattel item, the scale was off. She's taller that the refrigerator. I even did a Google search and most of the mass produced kitchens are a little off in scale. Easy to fix, put it on a base. Just used that lid to see how high it needs to be and to start on the cabinets. Never say never😄

Working on kitchen things

First off, let me say a big "THANK YOU "to those of you who still view and comment on my blog.  This little thing is limping along, and your kind words make it worth it. Sincerely. .. thank you😊 Next- I'm trying to recycle as much as possible and use what I have on hand. This clear egg carton has so many uses, these are my first two: salad and fruit bowls.