
Showing posts from April, 2016

$6 Thrift store haul

Cute moxie girl. Barbie vanity and bench. Barbie beauty station. Just an observation, but the Mattel accessories are always so out of scale. My guess different manufacturers from the dolls.  So, it just adds to the fun of finding them in the Thrift and giving them a make over. *, * Let's not forget the dressform. Who's body shape is that? I couldn't make out the markings. It might be classic Barbie-tiny waist, big bust. To me it's very "artsy", I might decoupage it😄 luv it!


I had an idea for a tribal group made up of a leader, a warrior and a healer. Then my concept got complicated and there were so many ways it could be interpreted, that I just wanted to share the picture. At least it's a good shot and the costumes came out just as I envisioned them. So now it's just the Queen bee,  the breaker and the fixer... Every family has these in it in one form or another *, *

Food, no quite :-D

I was not going to post these not so tasty treats, but my daughter and granddaughter are are so blunt, I had to share. Granddaughter : "why is there beef jerky with those pancakes?" Me: smirky silence Daughter: "oh, I thought those were turkey patties with gravy, but the butter didn't make any since." Me: "get out" Daughter: "I can tell those are tacos. I like the tacos." Me: shaking my head and putting my toys away. *, *

... And Liv always looks good in any wig


Even works on the boys *, *


First "successful" wig

Made from furry fleece. Super easy. So cute :-D

Sunday Funday - Thrift store finds

"Steven" #2 for my collection. And a new girl with a "new to me" face. She's fully dressed and luv those shoes... Yes I had to have those darling shoes. She was just $3...yeah for Thrift stores 😄😃😂