Interesting find @ TUESDAY MORNING

There were alot of DORA items and these BARBIE doll outfits from 2002 celebrating different cultures-I picked Egypt-, but it's not close enough to payday for a splurge:-) The TM close to me rarely has anything good, doll related or otherwise, so I'm glad I popped in on my way home from work. On Friday, I hope they still have an assortment of outfits-the one for Canada has a pink fur coat...but none of them came w/shoes.
LIV is too small for the outfit, but her head is too big for the crown. she is wearing her new wig-it's windy outside.

these must have been marketed overseas, and this one was imported from Barcelona, Spain. The inside cover sheet is actually a book about Egypt, like a tour, guided by various nationalities of Barbie dolls. The packages were dusty so it's not too hard to believe that these may have been sitting in a warehouse somewhere for the last 10 years.


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