Looking for inspiration


I found these on a blog that appears to not have been active since 2009, but these are for magnetic paper-dolls. This image just really struck me for it's strength, and character in the faces and the poses. This artist hand drew this. So much talent. I like it so much, I don't even mind the "underwear"-they came a sheet of magnetic clothing according to the blogger. COOL. If I could learn to repaint/restyle fashion dolls like this, that would be awesome. We all must find our own style, for this diversity I am very thankful , since I am no artist; but there might just be room for my folksy style,w/ a bit of this type of flavor-flava:-)
Thought I would share-Be happy*.*


  1. These paper dolls are nice.

    Check out Prettypix4u.com for additional hand drawn paper dolls by paper doll artist, Diana E. Vining. Diana also makes portrait paper dolls.



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