Fashion dolls and Frugal finds and Thrift Store treasures. Crafting and sewing are all on this blog...Enjoy:-) Instagram @nywcreations
$2 thrift store find
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Found Li Shang-love interest from the animated film MULAN- in the thrift store about a month ago for $2.
Disney.com has him in stock for around $15. I had been searching for an adult male to add to the "posse", so he is perfect. In great shape...all his fingers and toes and hair:-) that small knick on his shoulder if just a flesh wound and can be smoothed out easily w/an emery board. And these pictures have him leaning, he can stand alone even w/his boots on :-)
made him high waisted black, "reptile" embossed pants. his hair in a traditional top knot.
and finally my coat has found a wearer. YEA!!! White shirt w/sash inspired by Ken Watanabe's character in the movie INCEPTION. my first attempt had some hand pleating that looked just awful, so keep it simple and it looks kinda good*.*
First off, let me say a big "THANK YOU "to those of you who still view and comment on my blog. This little thing is limping along, and your kind words make it worth it. Sincerely. .. thank you😊 Next- I'm trying to recycle as much as possible and use what I have on hand. This clear egg carton has so many uses, these are my first two: salad and fruit bowls.
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