$2 thrift store find

Found Li Shang-love interest from the animated film MULAN- in the thrift store about a month ago for $2.
 Disney.com has him in stock for around $15. I had been searching for an adult male to add to the "posse", so he is perfect. In great shape...all his fingers and toes and hair:-) that small knick on his shoulder if just a flesh wound and can be smoothed out easily w/an emery board. And these pictures have him leaning, he can stand alone even w/his boots on :-)

made him high waisted black, "reptile" embossed pants. his hair in a traditional top knot.

 and finally my coat has found a wearer. YEA!!! White shirt w/sash inspired by Ken Watanabe's character in the movie INCEPTION. my first attempt had some hand pleating that looked just awful, so keep it simple and it looks kinda good*.*


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