Doll relocation program:-)

I have been picking up random dolls for years just because they were cute for my oldest grand-daughter;here are just a few. Some familiar faces-they were in my storage  and she couldn't wait to get her hands on them. So what's a grandma to do, when her "mini-me" loves dolls too. A couple of the males are my grandson's that I had hopes for reclaiming. But  afternoon battles w/"BATMAN" OR "IRON MAN" have left them missing arms and/or legs :-)
Today while the older ones were in school and the baby was enjoying her morning nap, grandma dug through the seemingly bottomless toy bins to relocate a few of my finds. My daughter recently did a "store/purge" when the new baby was on her way;so who knows where the others are. Hopefully stored and not purged-but that is why thrift stores are so much fun*.*


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