Time to clear away old projects-Part 2- Doll neck repair

I found the whole set of High School Musical dolls (original cast) at the thrift years ago and didn't know who they were. So I just folded them into the collection, and put the girls with "Skipper" and the babysitters. Then I started selling off my dolls on MERCARI. But "Chads" neck was broken when I found him, so he was always set aside for safe keeping. I was in the process of fixing him when I sold the others, and kind of forgot he was part of the set. Cute brown boys are hard to find...so I'll just keep him...I think...for now😁

hot glue is rarely a good idea for plastic. His neck was actually missing the anchor portion.

So I built out a peg made of foil and used as much E6000 as it would take, and put him aside to cure.
masking tape is my friend👍
Chad looks pretty good, but of course he can't turn his head.


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