Looking for winter clothes for my #tianatuesday IG post and found some oldies, not so goodies🥼🧥👔

So this is what I posted🤷🏽‍♀️ At least I can layer the KEN jackets and make it work. And the little denim jacket looks cute with this dress💚 I really need to work on few winter things for my dollie wardrobe. But where I live it's "cold" for like two weeks, so It just slips my mind.🌤🏜😁

And these were my weird assortment of "winter" wear from around 5-8 years ago. This is a robe or a house coat...I think. It's ok, but nobody wants to wear it😁

Just another weird sweater☃

Also pre IG...but I like it. Felt coat.

Crochet hat and sweater 2015

This one pre-dates my IG page that I started in 2015. I was posting here and challenging myself to copy Project Runway episodes. I miss the old PR😞

