Runaway teacher...A Back to School Storytime🏤🚌😁

Miss Jodi was happily preparing for the new school year, when she decided to take a little trip to Costa Rica with her new besties. And along with a new wardrobe, Jodi set off on her new travel vlogging adventure. (rehomed to my granddaughter😉 )
And well what was Miss bloom to do?

But welcome a new teacher to classroom. "Children, quite down, and welcome Mrs. Carson"
"Hello, Mrs. Carson" as they all inch forward to size her up.

"so happy you could make it on such short notice"
"well Teacher Staffing said it was kind of an emergency"

"just how many students do you have, Miss Bloom?"

"oh it varies"
"Oh really. The class seems terribly full"

"IT IS. I hope that's not going to be a problem?"
"we'll see how today goes, if that's alright with you"



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