Dollar tree finds- Part2 FRIENDS FOREVER doll and fashion packs REVIEW

These have been out for awhile, but this is my first time seeing the fashion packs. and I love collecting doll clothing almost as much as finding cute dolls.

They fit Chelsea, but are very cheaply made, even by dollar store standards. The hems are unfinished, the seam are already loose, straight from the package. They don't really fit the little FF figure they are marketed for, who has on plastic clothing-btw.
I wonder why they just didn't stick with that concept.
 The package says for 3+, but they wouldn't last 24hrs in the hands of a small child (imo) 🤦🏾‍♀️

I don't even know what this is. I'll try it as a skirt on on Stacy...maybe. 

this little shirt is some kind of loose weave "sweater", but I don't think it will stay in one piece for very long. The set did have 2 pieces.

New school clothes for picture day. Take them off before recess😬👗👚👧🏾🤷🏿‍♂️ 



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