For the past 2 years my youngest son has been going to COMIC CON in full "Flash" custom. So i do what I can to help him realize his vision of his favorite super hero. This year it's "black" "Flash". He designed this mask and I'm just the fabricator *,* Just something fun to do w/my baby-he just turned 27:-)


  1. I was all, "ahh, it's nice you can make stuff with your little boy," and then you said he was 27, lol.

    It's great such a big boy still get's help from his mom. ^__^

  2. Love the mask! Great job. I missed the 27, until I read Muff's comment. That hilarious! Especially since I've been watching Big Bang Theory this morning.

  3. Thanks! I also made a red and yellow mask, and a blue one for Sunday. Yes he is "my baby", can't say no to the baby *o*

  4. Nyki, those masks are quite awesome, especially after seeing all the work that went into them. Can't wait to see "your baby" wearing them tomorrow in full regalia!

    I'll send pics!


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