Quick Question...

I'm finally going to treat my "collection" to some doll stands.
I want to start w/around 30, but I don't know the best way to go about buying that many. If you have any trusted/favorite E-BAY or ETSY vendors, or any others for that matter-please share. I'm really trying to improve my displays, photos etc and I think that might be a good way to start. Thanks in advance for all of the input. nyw*.*


  1. Unfortunately I'm of no help, but I am very interested to see what your research yields. A word of advice, though, the FR stands kinda suck, if you didn't already know this XD

  2. Thank you so much,Heather...that's good to know. *.*

  3. I bought those metal and wire doll stands they sell at Michaels and AC Moore, but they don't work too well with 1:6 dolls or I got ones that were too small.

  4. that's what I keep running into as well. the scale is so off. so I'm going to have search on line for a bargain.


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